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Delivery Fee
FB Area ,Gulshan, Nazimabad, Tariqroad, Jamshed Road RS 250
P.E.C.H. Gulistan e Johr, North karachi,Garden Saddar RS 300
Secheme 33, Gulzar e Hijir, Malir, Shahrah e Faisal, New karachi, Orangi RS 350
DHA, lyari, Malir, kharadar, Sarjani RS 400 korangi, keamari RS 500 Maymar, Landi RS 600
Karachi same day delivery
Out of Karachi=after placing maximum 6-10 working days
400 DC for the parcel of 0-3 kgs
Send through=M&p courier service

We are available for your assistance at all times from order processing to order placement or for any other guidance that may be required.Feel free to drop us an email at support@bakeawaypk.com

Halal Products
We guarantee 100% Halal products for the ease of your baking endeavors. All items have been responsibly screened and Bakeaway does not even list a product that may be suspected to be a Non-Halal item.
Box & Bases
Elevate your style with our luxurious, modern Best selling products